Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 705
State Institutional Quality and Economic Development: Comparison between East Asia and Latin America
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 2022)
Increasing Tension and Japan: East Asia in the 2010sTensión creciente y Japón: Asia del Este en la década de 2010
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021)
Ancient and modern introduction of Broussonetia papyrifera ([L.] Vent.; Moraceae) into the Pacific: genetic, geographical and historical evidence
(The Royal Society of New Zealand, 2015)
Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. (Moraceae), or paper mulberry, is a species of cultural importance in South East Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. Originally from mainland South East Asia or East Asia, this plant was ...
El cambio de la Look East Policy a la Act East Policy en IndiaFrom the Look East Policy to the Act East Policy in India
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales, 2017-07)
La Look East Policy marcó la forma en que India se ha vinculado con el Sudeste Asiático desde 1992. Inicialmente conducida por intereses comerciales, su objeto se ha ampliado hacia la construcción de vínculos institucionales, ...
The Wild East : Criminal Political Economics in South Asia
The Wild East bridges political economy and anthropology to examine a variety of il/legal economic sectors and businesses such as red sanders, coal, fire, oil, sand, air spectrum, land, water, real estate, procurement and ...
South America and East Asia: Dependency and diversification dilemmas within an asymmetric power structure (2002-2017)
(GDRS Publishing, 2018-09)
Dependency on the power structure and on the most powerful actors within it, has been a constant variable in foreign policy calculation for the developing world. South American countries have shown in the last two decades ...
Strengthening biregional cooperation between Latin America and Asia-Pacific: the role of FEALAC
(ECLAC, 2013-06)
The increasing prominence of developing countries in the world economy reects not only their economic dynamism but also stronger links through increased South-South trade, investment and cooperation. Developing countries ...
Fortalecimiento de la cooperación birregional entre América Latina y Asia y el Pacífico El papel del FOCALAE
(CEPAL, 2013-11)
The increasing prominence of developing countries in the world economy reects not only their economic dynamism but also stronger links through increased South-South trade, investment and cooperation. Developing countries ...