Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11145
Proposed Software Process Distributed Engineering Model of Software RequirementsPropuesta de Modelo de Proceso de Ingeniería Distribuida de Requisitos de Software
(Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, 2018)
Leadership in agile software development methods
(Springer Verlag, 2015)
The application of distributed virtual machines for enterprise computer management: A two-tier network file system for image provisioning and management
In order to simplify computer management, several system administrators are adopting advanced techniques to manage software configuration of enterprise computer networks, but the tight coupling between hardware and software ...
The application of distributed virtual machines for enterprise computer management: A two-tier network file system for image provisioning and management
In order to simplify computer management, several system administrators are adopting advanced techniques to manage software configuration of enterprise computer networks, but the tight coupling between hardware and software ...
Proposal of an On-demand Software Deployment System Based on Application Streaming, Virtualization Techniques and P2P Transport
This paper presents the work in progress of an on-demand software deployment system based on application virtualization concepts which eliminates the need of software installation and configuration on each computer. Some ...
Proposal of an On-demand Software Deployment System Based on Application Streaming, Virtualization Techniques and P2P Transport
This paper presents the work in progress of an on-demand software deployment system based on application virtualization concepts which eliminates the need of software installation and configuration on each computer. Some ...
Sistema para distribuição e controle de solicitações de modificações em software
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato BrancoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de InformáticaTecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de SistemasUTFPR, 2016-08-15)
It’s unquestionable the importance of control and distribution of any request which aims to modify a software, regardless of the urgency or complexity. The company who is developer and responsible of the software maintenance ...
Soa practices and patterns applied in global software development
(Insticc-Inst Syst Technologies Information Control & Communication, 2011)
Prior research has established a relationship between coordination of software development activities and software architecture both in collocated and distributed projects. Despite the recognized importance of the software ...