Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 544
The location of the upper socioeconomic stratum of Santiago’s population in the period 1977–2017: deconcentration or expansion of its traditional habitat?
The appearance of suburbs inhabited by the upper socioeconomic stratum in Santiago suggests a dispersion of this group and a loss of importance for the barrio alto, the area in the east of the capital that is its traditional ...
Factores de riesgo asociados con embarazos no deseados en mujeres estudiantes de medicina
Introduction: Most pregnancies in adolescents and young adults are unwanted and many are the consequence of inconsistent contraception use. Objective: To analyze the risk factors that may influence on female adolescents ...
Faecal excretion of rotavirus and other enteropathogens in newborns of the high and low socio-economic stratum in Santiago, Chile
Faecal excretion of enteropathogens was studied in newborns in their first week of life. Rotavirus was investigated in 225 neonates, of whom 107 belonged to the low socio-economic stratum (SES) and 118 to the high SES. ...
Socioeconomic characterization and as a consumer of the bottom´s of the pyramid inhabitantsCaracterización socioeconómica y como consumidor de los habitantes de la base de la pirámide
(Pereira : Universidad Tecnológica de PereiraFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2011)
The intersections of ethnicity, nativity status and socioeconomic position in relation to periodontal status: A cross-sectional study in london, england
(MDPI, 2021)
The role of migration as a social determinant of periodontitis has been overlooked. In-tersectionality theory could help understand how immigration status interacts with other social determinants of health to engender ...
Indicador de calidad de los estratos para el Área Metropolitana de Medellín
(Universidad de AntioquiaMedellín, Colombia, 2016)
Heurística da ancoragem e ajustamento em estimativas numéricas de bens de consumo: uma aplicação considerando a estratificação socioeconômica dos agentes no município de Fortaleza - CE
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEconomiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Economia e DesenvolvimentoCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2018-12-17)
Studies of the decision-making behavior of individuals in the Economis are progressively
diverging from the reductionist view of the mainstream conception of the homo economicus. In
this context, Behavioral Economics ...
Sexual dimorphism in skin, eye and hair color and the presence of freckles in Chilean teenagers from two socioeconomic strata Dimorfismo sexual en la pigmentación de la piel, color de ojos y pelo y presencia de pecas en adolescentes chilenos en dos estrat
Background: The risk of skin cancer is correlated with skin colour. Pigmentation protects against the effects of UV radiation. Aim: To study skin, eyes and hair colour in Chilean teenagers. Material and methods: The ...
Relación entre el estrato social y los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en el semáforo nutricional en las papas empaquetadas, de los habitantes de los barrios Barabón Chico y Jaime Rosales. Cuenca. 2018.
Background: This research establishes the relationship between the socioeconomic stratum of households in the neighborhoods of Barabón Chico and Jaime Rosales and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the ...