Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4631
Representaciones sociales del matrimonio católico en la juventud del Barrio Alfonso Lopéz, Pereira
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2014-07-09)
This study was based on the investigation, analysis and typology of social representations that young people have in relation to the Catholic sacrament of marriage, values influence, community belonging and its sociocultural ...
Identifying instructional mediation patterns related with progress made in reading comprehension in socio-cultural disadvantaged contexts [Identificación de patrones instruccionales de mediación relaciona-dos con progresos en comprensión lectora en contextos de desventaja so-ciocultural.]
(Universidad de Murcia Servicio de Publicaciones, 2020)
The teaching learning from the perspective of sociocultural constructivismLa enseñanza aprendizaje desde la perspectiva del constructivismo sociocultural
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2018)
A formação do Professor de Línguas de uma Perspectiva Sociocultural
With the development of cognition studies and the awareness that teachers’ previous experiences, knowledge acquired in language teacher education programs and classroom experiences in different contexts shape the ways ...
Uma Leitura Crítica da situação do Idoso no Atual Contexto Sociocultural
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2004)
Psicología cultural: una perspectiva sistémica contemporánea
The common denominator of the thirteen articles that make up this monograph could be described by their interest in studying how individuals act and develop in certain socio-cultural contexts. These contexts are conceived ...