Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4720
A construção social do mercado de trabalho no setor de construção civil nas obras do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC): Consensos e conflitos
Considering the various existing interpretations around the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), this paper attempts to identify its arrangements in the creation of jobs, especially emphasizing the construction market, ...
(Univ Fed Maranhao, Centro Ciencias Humanas, 2021-01-01)
The objective of the research is to map the affection market via marriage agencies, considering the arrival of applications for affection. Its theoretical inspiration is the use of concepts and insights from economic ...
Marcas da reputação corporativa: estudo de caso Itaú #ISSOMUDAOMUNDO
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2016-12-15)
This work aims, through the methodology of study of case and the intersection of social and cultural marketing concepts with the communication strategies, to analyze how the actions taken by financial institutions in this ...
A construção social do mercado institucional de alimentos: estudo de caso do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos na Região Celeiro - RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRAgronomiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Extensão Rural, 2009-08-31)
The institutional food markets have become a new alternative for family farmers to access markets of food. This paper aims to analyze how the inclusion of family farmers in the institutional market of foods happens as well ...
Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Moving between broadening the concept of marketing and social factors as a marketing strategy
(Elsevier Espana S.L., 2017-01-01)
In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been addressed and managed by all types of companies and organizations in several ways. It has also led both business people and scholars to articulate varied ...
Diseño de una guía de marketing social basado en la responsabilidad social para locales comerciales del centro histórico de la ciudad de Cuenca
The development of this research is aimed at designing a Guide to Social Marketing based on Social Responsibility for business premises in the historical center of the city of Cuenca, through which we aim to provide ...
A CONSTRUÇÃO SOCIAL DO MERCADO FUNERÁRIO NO BRASIL: agentes, instituições e estratégias de negócios
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-03-29)
Essa pesquisa objetiva analisar o desenvolvimento do mercado funerário na sociedade brasileira sob a luz da Sociologia Econômica, considerando o seu postulado de que os mercados são construções sociais, observando os ...
The symbolic dimension of consumption and the market as a social construction: A study on home buying and the purchase of fashion productsA dimensão simbólica do consumo e o mercado como construção social: um estudo sobre a compra da casa e de produtos de moda
Researches on the symbolic dimension of consumption and the concept of the market as social construction are issues addressed by two studies that, though carried out autonomously and with different themes, present convergence ...
A construção social do mercado de alimentos orgÂnicos na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2014-06-09)
This thesis, developed from the perspective of the New Economic Sociology (NES), considers the advances that this theory has achieved in recent years especially with regard to studies on the social construction of markets. ...
Social innovation networks and agrifood citizenship. The case of Florianopolis ´ Area, Santa Catarina/Brazil
(Journal of Rural Studies, 2022)