Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3732
Emotion-Aware Monitoring of Users’ Reaction With a Multi-Perspective Analysis of Long- and Short-Term Topics on Twitter
Social networks, such as Twitter, play like a disinformation spread booster giving the chance to individuals and organizations to influence users’ beliefs on purpose through tweets causing destabilization effects to the ...
A percepção de reação do sujeito frente à doença osteomuscular: um olhar da fisioterapiaThe perception of the personal reaction to a osteomuscular desease: a look from the fisiotherapy
(Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, 2004-08-24)
The Study aim to know the Perception of subjectif Reaction face to a Osteomuscular Disease and the Factors which influence these Reaction. The Research interviews 15 Subjects with Osteomuscular Desease, most of them Wemen ...
A percepção de reação do sujeito frente à doença osteomuscular: um olhar da fisioterapiaThe perception of the personal reaction to a osteomuscular desease: a look from the fisiotherapy
(Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, 2004-08-24)
The Study aim to know the Perception of subjectif Reaction face to a Osteomuscular Disease and the Factors which influence these Reaction. The Research interviews 15 Subjects with Osteomuscular Desease, most of them Wemen ...
Reaction Prediction: The Case of Tweets from Luxury Fashion Brands
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2023)
Social media platforms represent an essential tool for both consumers and marketers. Meanwhile,
luxury fashion brands play a key role in fashion, one of the most important industries of the
world economy. Despite assumptions ...
Drug Metabolism
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2018)
Through evolution, the body has developed different strategies to dispose metabolic 4waste and protect itself from exposure to potential toxic chemicals. It is useful to differentiate chemical compounds with a well-defined ...
Análisis de Facebook “Reactions” para gestión de imagen de marca digital
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2018-11-26)
Los consumidores están con más frecuencia inmersos en internet y las redes sociales, ya sea buscando información o compartiendo contenido. Cualquier producto de una misma categoría puede cubrir las necesidades de los ...
Las cuatro últimas décadas de educación especial en España
El autor pasa revista en esta colaboración a la Educación Especial durante los últimos cuarenta años. Como soporte bibliográfico de la misma se ha atenido a los artículos publicados sobre esta materia en Bordón y en la ...