Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 179
Modulatory effects of curcumin on heat shock proteins in cancer: A promising therapeutic approach
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2019)
Expression of genes encoding cytosolic and endoplasmic reticulum HSP90 proteins in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii
HSP90 proteins are important molecular chaperones involved in multiple cellular processes. This work reports the characterization of cDNAs encoding two distinct HSP90 proteins (named HSP90A and HSP90B) from the chytridiomycete ...
The β-isoform of heat shock protein hsp-90 is structurally related with human microtubule-interacting protein Mip-90
Through major research advances in the study of cytoskeletal organization, an integrated view of the complexity of this system has emerged. Recent findings on the microtubule-interacting protein Mip-90, which associates ...
Increase in expression of Hsp47 and collagen in hereditary gingival fibromatosis is modulated by stress and terminal procollagen N-propeptides
(Gordon Breach Sci Publ LtdReadingInglaterra, 1999)
Molecular approaches to target heat shock proteins for cancer treatment
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2015)
HSP90 was the first molecular target to inhibit the interaction of this heat shock protein (HSP) with client proteins in cancer cells and tissues. The HSP90 inhibition was attempted to liberate from this chaperone the ...
From Conformation To Interaction: Techniques To Explore The Hsp70/hsp90 Network
Binding motifs of CBP2 a potential cell surface target for carcinoma cells
(Wiley-lissNew YorkEUA, 2000)
Avaliação da alanilglutamina e choque térmico na indução de HSP70 na cóclea como potencial terapêutico em ratos
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilFonoaudiologiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaCentro de Ciências da Saúde, 2022-11-04)
Hearing loss is the most prevalent sensory disorder, with global growth and impact on people's lives,
with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) being the major preventable cause of sensorineural hearing
loss. In situations ...
Immunoexpression of alpha 2-integrin and Hsp47 in hereditary gingival fibromatosis and gingival fibromatosis-associated dental abnormalities
(Medicina Oral S LValenciaEspanha, 2013)