Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5039
(Fundacao Univ Tocantins, 2020-11-01)
The article analyzes the construction of sexual knowledge in Brazil since the 19th century, starting from medical schools and the production of thesis; going through the first decades of the 20th century and the production ...
Las habilidades sociales y la sexualidad en adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2008)
The Investigation goes into the relations among social abilities and the sexuality in the Instituto Materno Perinatal's adolescent pregnant women ( Former - Maternity of Lima ) and the Institute Materno Infantil ( Hospital ...
Las habilidades sociales y la sexualidad en adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2008)
The Investigation goes into the relations among social abilities and the sexuality in the Instituto Materno Perinatal's adolescent pregnant women ( Former - Maternity of Lima ) and the Institute Materno Infantil ( Hospital ...
Las habilidades sociales y la sexualidad en adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2008)
The Investigation goes into the relations among social abilities and the sexuality in the Instituto Materno Perinatal's adolescent pregnant women ( Former - Maternity of Lima ) and the Institute Materno Infantil ( Hospital ...
Knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and sexual practices among young university students in the city of Cucuta
(Academia Nacional de Medicina venezolana., 2022)
Nivel de conocimiento según dimensiones de la inteligencia sexual y su relación con la satisfacción sexual en usuarias atendidas en los consultorios externos de planificación familiar del Centro de Salud - Moronacocha, Iquitos 2016
(Universidad Científica del PerúPE, 2018-01-18)
El objetivo principal de nuestro estudio es Determinar el nivel de conocimiento según dimensiones de la inteligencia sexual y su relación con la satisfacción sexual en usuarias atendidas en los consultorios externos de ...
Concepts and Reports of Gifted Adolescents on Aspects of Sexuality
Sexuality is a complex experience and it includes, among other things, feelings of affection and love, sexual practices, and sexual and reproductive health. Gifted people may present dyssynchronism in the intellectual and ...
Knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and sexual practices among young university students in the city of Cucuta
(Saber UCV, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2022)
In Colombia, young people are part of the population
group that is most at risk regarding their sexual health
and the knowledge associated with this component,
which is why we chose to describe the sexual practices
and ...
Prevalencia de disfunción sexual femenina y factores asociados, Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga
Background: Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) includes multiple common disorders present in one in three women, why knowledge of the physiology of the female sexual response and alterations necessary.
Objective: To determine ...