Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2348
On the detection of several obstacles in 2d stokes flow: topological sensitivity and combination with shape derivatives
(Amer Inst Mathematical Sciences-AIMS, 2016)
We consider the inverse problem of detecting the location and the
shape of several obstacles immersed in a
owing in a larger bounded
from partial boundary measurements in the two dimensional case.
The ...
Hessian Riemannian gradient flows in convex programming
In view of solving theoretically constrained minimization problems, we investigate the properties of the gradient flows with respect to Hessian Riemannian metrics induced by Legendre functions. The first result characterizes ...
Differences in floristic composition of Araucaria-Nothofagus forests affected by mixed levels of fire severity
Validity and behaviour of tropospheric gradients estimated by GPS in Corsica
(Elsevier B.V., 2015-01-01)
Estimation of tropospheric gradients in GNSS data processing is a well-known technique to improve positioning (e.g. Bar-Sever et al., 1998; Chen and Herring, 1997). More recently, several authors also focused on the ...
Chemical evolution and abundance gradients in spiral galaxies
(University of CambridgeCambridge, 2013)
Chemical evo-
lution models of spiral galaxies require observational constraints in order to make accurate predictions
concerning interstellar abundances, star formation history, age-metallicity relations, etc. Radial ...
Solução de Sistema Linear usando Gradiente ConjugadoLinear System Solution using Gradient Conjugated.
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNBacharelado em Sistemas de InformaçãoDepartamento de Computação e Tecnologia, 2022)
Interpretation of the tropospheric gradients estimated with GPS during the hurricane Harvey
(Wiley, 2019-08)
During the last decade Global Positioning System (GPS) Continuous Operating Reference Stations networks have become a new important data source for meteorology. This has dramatically improved the ability to remotely sense ...