Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 46
Plano de evacuação em estádios de futebol
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil, 2014-02-27)
This study presents a proposal for Evacuation Plan in football stadiums, whose goal is to define a procedure to be followed in an emergency and need to abandon the site. For this, a survey focusing on disasters and emergency ...
Protótipo de sistema de catracas biométricas para estádio de futebol
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrônica, 2013-05-02)
The purpose of this work is the development of PSCBEF - Prototype System for Football Stadiums Turnstiles Biometrics - a system for fan registration and access control which uses biometrics, specifically fingerprints. This ...
Sistema de reconocimiento facial para asistentes a estadios de fútbol
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Ingenierías, 2020)
Actualmente en Colombia las personas consideran que asistir
al estadio implica un gran peligro, una encuesta realizada en
el año 2014 por el Centro Nacional de Consultoría refleja que
solo un pequeño porcentaje entre ...
Automação de cadeira reservada para estádios
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrônica, 2012-10-11)
The proposed project has as the main goal the development of a reserved seat automation system. This project was developed in the context of the city of Curitiba. This city has three large football stadiums and this project ...
Security at football grounds: A study from the stadium White House (Quito, Ecuador)
By violence, we understand the actions that an individual or a group of individuals committed with the purpose of causing harm to others or their property. In this conceptual scope of violence, we highlight the role of the ...
ABC Futebol Clube: uma análise dos fatores que influenciam a frequência dos seus torcedores no Estádio Maria Lamas Farache
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNAdministração, 2019-11-25)
To analyse the factors that influence the frequency of the fan at the stadium is of paramount importance to the football club to know its audience and the variables that affect them, allowing the club to stabilish strategies ...