Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27
O orçamento secreto à luz do princípio da transparência
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNDireitoDepartamento de Direito Público, 2023)
Análise comparativa das modalidades de licitação concorrência e regime diferenciado de contratações públicas: um estudo de caso no Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes.
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsPalmasCURSO::PALMAS::PRESENCIAL::BACHARELADO::DIREITOPalmasGraduação, 2020)
Activity, movement and secretive behavior of a threatened arboreal folivore, the thin-spined porcupine, in the Atlantic forest of southern Bahia, Brazil
Activity and behavior patterns are important components of a given species ecological strategy, as they have profound implications for its survival and reproduction. Here, we studied the activities, movements and secretive ...
Activity, movement and secretive behavior of a threatened arboreal folivore, the thin-spined porcupine, in the Atlantic forest of southern Bahia, Brazil
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-02-01)
Activity and behavior patterns are important components of a given species ecological strategy, as they have profound implications for its survival and reproduction. Here, we studied the activities, movements and secretive ...
Activity, movement and secretive behavior of a threatened arboreal folivore, the thin-spined porcupine, in the Atlantic forest of southern Bahia, Brazil
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-02-01)
Activity and behavior patterns are important components of a given species ecological strategy, as they have profound implications for its survival and reproduction. Here, we studied the activities, movements and secretive ...
(Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019-11-20)
Robert Proctor e Ian Bolin acuñaron el término agnotología para designar el estudio de la ignorancia. Este escrito propone superar la visión de la ignorancia como un vacío que puede ser llenado por el conocimiento e invita ...
Educación, democracia y corrupción
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado DerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2019-11-20)
This text talks about the importance of the country’s education for its development. Colombia is a country with a wealth of flora and fauna, with a wealth of biodiversity, yet it is a developing country, but rather than ...
The approach of moderation in Islam
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Hotel Ayllu: la aventura ancestral del Valle Sagrado
(Universidad de LimaPE, 2023)
En medio de un sector que sigue sin recuperarse de los estragos y grandes pérdidas
económicas causadas por la pandemia y que también se encuentra al borde de la
bancarrota (Diario Gestión, 2023) debido a las constantes ...