Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1183
The Benefits of Pedagogical Translation on Learning the personal a in Spanish
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2022)
Deconstructing Language Learners’ Feelings of Inferiority Through Teletandem
(Grupo de Estudios Linguísticos do Estado de Sao Paulo, 2018-12)
Deconstructing Language Learners’ Feelings of Inferiority Through Teletandem
(Grupo de Estudios Linguísticos do Estado de Sao Paulo, 2018-12)
Survey data of English teachers' beliefs about second language instruction in Chile
The data derives from a survey collected from 543 school-level teachers of English in Chile. The survey was originally distributed to 5435 teachers. The survey was developed with an aim of exploring teachers’ beliefs about ...
Deconstructing Language Learners’ Feelings of Inferiority Through TeletandemDesconstruindo a sensação de inferioridade de aprendizes de línguas por meio do Teletandem
(Grupo de Estudios Linguísticos do Estado de Sao Paulo, 2019)
Language Learning Strategies and its Implications for Second Language TeachingLanguage Learning Strategies and its Implications for Second Language Teaching
(Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
Interaction and instructed second language acquisition
Interaction is an indispensable component in second language acquisition (SLA). This review surveys the instructed SLA research, both classroom and laboratory-based, that has been conducted primarily within the interactionist ...
Teachers' and students’ perceptions on introducing the SAMR model into their classroom
This article focuses on understanding the perceptions of 31 Ecuadorian teachers and 34
Ecuadorian university students about the Puentedura Substitution, Augmentation,
Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) model in the ...
Effectivenes in applying reading strategies when reading in a foreign language
(Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci?n, 2016)