Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 40
Instability onset for submerged cylinders
(American Institute of Physics, 2019-01)
This paper describes how the global stability of a circular cylinder is affected when submerged in a two-phase gravitational flow. The flow behavior is governed by both the Reynolds and the Froude number, while the depth ...
Experimental analysis of vertical and flexible cylinder in water: response to top motion excitation and parametric resonance
(ASMESan Francisco, 2014-06-08)
Experiments with a flexible and submerged cylinder were carried out to investigate fundamental aspects of risers dynamics subjected to harmonic excitation at the top. The flexible model was designed aiming a high level of ...
Experimental and numerical study of undular bore generation, propagation, and interaction with a semi-submerged vertical square cylinder
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
Los macareos pueden describirse como una transición rápida entre dos profundidades de flujo y suelen estar causados por las fuerzas de las mareas, pero también pueden ser consecuencia de terremotos, deslizamientos de tierra ...
Water Level Rise Upstream a Permeable Barrier in Subcritical Flow: Experiment and Modeling
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014-02)
This work addresses the dependence of water depth upstream a permeable barrier, h1, with discharge per unit channel width, Q/W, in sub-critical flow regime. The barrier, that extends over the entire width of the channel, ...
Numerical study of wave run-up on a fixed surfacepiercing cylinder in non-breaking waves
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilInstituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de EngenhariaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia OceânicaUFRJ, 2020)
Resistencia a la compresión de concreto 21 MPA con refrentado no adherido nuevo y usado
This research analyzes the test compressive strength of concrete cylinders with transverse unbonded such as the neoprene, using two new and used types, which is described in NTC 3708, this being a method of facing that is ...
Decrease of streamwise mean velocity of single spheres due to presence of a sparse network of immobile bed-mounted particles
(American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020)
The transport of spheres as a bed-load through a sparse network of immobile, bed-mounted submerged cylinders was experimentally studied to quantify how the mean velocity of the spheres in the streamwise direction is altered, ...
Asintóticas para frecuencias altas de ondas atrapadas por cilindros sumergidos
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2006-05)
The question of the existence of modes trapped by submerged obstacles is of great interest. Consider the problem of trapped water waves for a submerged cylinder. From the mathematical point of view, it is about: Suppose ...