Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1195
Self-efficacy at workplace: validation of spanish versions of Occupational Emotional, Social, and Task Self-efficacy ScalesAutoeficacia en el trabajo: validación de las versiones en español de las Escalas de Autoeficacia Ocupacional Emocional, Social y en la Tarea
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología, 2022-04)
La autoeficacia es uno de los recursos más importantes en el trabajo. El objetivo fue adaptar las escalas “Occupational Emotional, Social, and Task Self-efficacy at Work”. Participaron 771 empleados argentinos, 58% fueron ...
Academic procrastination of undergraduates : Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination
(Elsevier, 2008)
This article reports two studies exploring the academic procrastination of 456 undergraduates. Study 1 explores the relationships among academic procrastination, self-regulation, academic self-efficacy, self-esteem, and ...
Academic procrastination of undergraduates : Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination
(Elsevier, 2008)
This article reports two studies exploring the academic procrastination of 456 undergraduates. Study 1 explores the relationships among academic procrastination, self-regulation, academic self-efficacy, self-esteem, and ...
The direct and indirect effects of self‐efficacy on salespeople's emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict: A study using the job demands‐resources model
This study integrates Social Cognitive Theory with the Job Demands-Resources Model to examine self-efficacy in relation to emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict (WFC) in a sample of 192 employees. The results ...
Initial teacher efficacy of in-service secondary teachers in Trinidad and Tobago
Teacher efficacy is largely unexplored in Trinidad and Tobago, resulting in a deficit in understanding of teachers' beliefs about their ability to teach. This is important since teachers' beliefs influence how they feel ...
Lecturer self-efficacy beliefs: an integrative review and synthesis of relevant literature
This article reviews available research literature in the field of lecturer self-efficacy beliefs produced between 1988 and 2020. Given the growing interest in lecturer self-efficacy beliefs in recent years, and the global ...
Self-efficacy at Workplace: Validation of Spanish Versions of Occupational Emotional, Social, and Task Self-efficacy scalesAutoeficacia en el Trabajo: Validación de las Versiones en Español de las Escalas de Autoeficacia Ocupacional Emocional, Social y en la Tarea.Autoeficácia no Trabalho: Validação de uma escala da versão em espanhol.
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2022)
Work self-efficacy scale: Validity and accuracy evidenceEscala de Autoeficácia no trabalho: Evidencia de validez y precisiónEscala de Autoeficácia no trabalho: Evidências de validade e Precisão
The article presents psychometric quality studies for the Work Self-Efficacy Scale (WSES): one is a validity study based on the internal structure (Exploratory Factor Analysis, EFA, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA), ...