Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 621
Unity of law and legal act as a key principle of the rule of law
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
O Estado de direito, a criação judicial do direito e o contra-ataque legislativo
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-10-15)
This dissertation aims to study what the Rule of Law consists of, its origins and conceptions that have been attributed to it since Aristotle, and how the theme can contribute, in the end, to a theory of judicial decision. ...
O Estado de direito, a criação judicial do direito e o contra-ataque legislativo
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-10-15)
This dissertation aims to study what the Rule of Law consists of, its origins and conceptions that have been attributed to it since Aristotle, and how the theme can contribute, in the end, to a theory of judicial decision. ...
Administração pública em juízo: o patrimonialismo como óbice ao princípio da eficiência
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011-12-21)
This review studies the Public Administration in court in a Democratic State-of-Law. Therefore, it seeks to analyze the rule of law in three stages: Liberal, Social and Democratic. It aims the primacy of each organic power ...
Administração pública em juízo: o patrimonialismo como óbice ao princípio da eficiência
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011-12-21)
This review studies the Public Administration in court in a Democratic State-of-Law. Therefore, it seeks to analyze the rule of law in three stages: Liberal, Social and Democratic. It aims the primacy of each organic power ...
Reglas supletivas “sancionatorias” en el derecho de contratos colombiano: el caso del contrato de transporte
(Departamento de Derecho Civil, 2016-06-15)
A finales de la década de 1980, Ayres y Gertner propusieron una controversial teoría sobre cómo integrar el contenido de lagunas en contratos incompletos, acuñando la noción de “penalty default rule” (regla supletiva ...
The Constitutional Law on Human RightsEl Derecho Constitucional sobre Derechos Humanos
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019)
International Law as a Source of Constitutional Law
This article has the purpose to prove that the Customary International Law and the Conventional International Law are sources of Constitutional Law. First, it analyses the matter of the relations between International ...
The Choice of the Applicable Law in International Private Law in Colombia
Currently, in Colombia, as in other countries, it is increasingly common to find international private legal situations, that is, situations to which the rules of the international private law are applicable. This article ...