Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 91
Political dispute and government decisions on migration: the turn to the right-wing in Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador
The article examines the migration policy implemented in the governments of Mauricio Macri, Jair Bolsonaro and Lenin Moreno. Reviewing the theoretical proposals of 'state thinking' and 'segmenting openness', and through a ...
The enunciative strategy in hate speeches that mark contemporary political and social environmentsEntrevista com a profa. Dra. Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros: a estratégia enunciativa nos discursos de ódio que marcam ambientes políticos e sociais na contemporaneidade
(Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Unesp - Araraquara., 2020)
Political Participation: discriminant contribution of ideological attitudes, values and socio-psychological variablesParticipación política: el aporte discriminante de actitudes ideológicas, valores y variables sociopsicológicasParticipação política: a contribuição discriminante de atitudes ideológicas, valores e variáveis sócio-psicológicos
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017)
Léxico e sociedade: Um estudo sociolinguístico sobre os neologismos em blogs de política durante o segundo turno eleitoral de 2014
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-02-20)
This dissertation based on the sociolinguistic perspective (LABOV, 2008 [1972], 2001, 1990, 1982) of the relationship between lexicon and society to analyze the occurrences of neologisms during the second electoral round ...
(Don’t) Stop Believing: A Signal Detection Approach to Risk and Protective Factors for Engagement with Politicized (Mis)Information in Social Media
Prior misinformation research often lacks comparisons with the processing of true information and specifically focuses on the dangers of right-wing or conservative misinformation. By employing a signal detection framework, ...