Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
Semistable Graph HomologySemistable Graph Homology
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016)
Semistable Graph HomologySemistable Graph Homology
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2017)
Possible quantum algorithms for the Bollobás-Riordan-Tutte polynomial of a ribbon graph
Three possible quantum algorithms, for the computation of the Bollobás-Riordan-Tutte polynomial of a given ribbon graph, are presented and discussed. The first possible algorithm is based on the spanning quasi-trees expansion ...
On the Lie algebra structure of the first Hochschild cohomology of gentle algebras and Brauer graph algebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2020-09)
In this paper we determine the first Hochschild homology and cohomology with different coefficients for gentle algebras and we give a geometrical interpretation of these (co)homologies using the ribbon graph of a gentle ...
Quantum algorithms for virtual Jones polynomials via thistlethwaite theorems
Recently a quantum algorithm for the Jones polynomial of virtual links was proposed by Kauffman and Dye via the implementation of the virtual braid group in anyonic topological quantum computation when the virtual crossings ...
Possible universal quantum algorithms for generalized Khovanov homology and the Rasmussen's invariant
Possible quantum algorithms for generalized Khovanov homology and the Rasmussen's invariant are proposed. Such algorithms are resulting from adaptations of the recently proposed Kauffmans` algorithm for the standard Khovanov ...
Tutte polynomials and topological quantum algorithms in social network analysis for epidemiology, bio-surveillance and bio-security
(SPRINGER, 2008-01-01)
The Tutte polynomial and the Aharonov-Arab-Ebal-Landau algorithm are applied to Social Network Analysis (SNA) for Epidemiology, Biosurveillance and Biosecurity. We use the methods of Algebraic Computational SNA and of ...