Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 104
Convergent and divergent responses of the rhizosphere chemistry and bacterial communities to a stress gradient in the Atacama Desert
Plants can modulate their rhizosphere chemistry, thereby influencing microbe communities. Although our understanding of rhizosphere chemistry is growing, knowledge of its responses to abiotic constraints is limited, ...
Exploração racional da rizosfera de Senna spectabilis: interações entre as bactérias Pseudoxanthomonas indica e Shigella sp.Rational exploitation of the rhizosphere of Senna spectabilis: interactions between bacteria indicates Pseudoxanthomonas and Shigella sp.
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)
Iron-meditated fungal starvation by lupine rhizosphere-associated and extremotolerant Streptomyces sp. S29 desferrioxamine production
(Royal Soc. Chemistry, 2021)
Siderophores are iron-chelating compounds that aid iron uptake, one of the key strategies for microorganisms to carve out ecological niches in microbially diverse environments. Desferrioxamines are the principal siderophores ...
Oxifertirrigación química mediante riego en tomate hidropónico cultivado en invernadero
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2) como fuente de oxígeno en la rizosfera, en tomate injertado (cv. Durinta/cv. Maxifor) y utilizando fibra de coco como sustrato. El ...
Exploração racional da rizosfera de Senna spectabilis: interações entre as bactérias Pseudoxanthomonas indica e Shigella sp.
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)
Exploração racional da rizosfera de Senna spectabilis: interações entre as bactérias Pseudoxanthomonas indica e Shigella sp.
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016-01-22)
The discovery of new bioactive molecules has been the big target to over the years the chemistry of natural products, particularly micro-organisms has been shown to be an important source of discovery of new drugs. A wide ...
Presencia de bacterias rizosféricas resistentes a mercurio en suelos del sur de Bolívar, Colombia
(Universidad de Sucre, 2017-12-01)
The Diversity of Polyketide Synthase Genes from Sugarcane-Derived Fungi
(SPRINGERNEW YORK, 2013-08-02)
The chemical ecology and biotechnological potential of metabolites from endophytic and rhizosphere fungi are receiving much attention. A collection of 17 sugarcane-derived fungi were identified and assessed by PCR for the ...
(Quimica hoy chemistry sciences, 2017)