Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3588
Real options with priced regime-switching risk
(World Scientific, 2013-08)
We develop a model of regime-switching risk premia as well as regime-dependent factor risk premia to price real options. The model incorporates the observation that the underlying risky income streams of real options are ...
Dinâmica demográfica e políticas públicas : influências no regime de previdência social
(DECAT - Departamento de Estatística e Ciências Atuariais – Ciências Atuariais – São Cristóvão – PresencialUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2018)
Ensaios em alocação de portfólio com mudança de regime
Uma das principais características dos ativos financeiros é a mudança de regime. Os preços dos ativos apresentam pouca variabilidade nos períodos de normalidade e possuem quedas inesperadas e são instáveis nos períodos de ...
Regime-Dependent output convergence in Latin America
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2006-06)
This paper tests for long-run output convergence between a sample of eight
Latin American countries and over the study period 1900-2003. The key
contribution of this paper is in terms of the econometric methodology ...
Universal conductance for the Anderson model
We discuss the thermal dependence of the zero-bias electrical conductance for a quantum dot embedded in a quantum wire, or side-coupled to it. In the Kondo regime, the temperature-dependent conductances map linearly onto ...
Universal conductance for the Anderson model
We discuss the thermal dependence of the zero-bias electrical conductance for a quantum dot embedded in a quantum wire, or side-coupled to it. In the Kondo regime, the temperature-dependent conductances map linearly onto ...
Transition regime effective viscosity of a gas confined in a cylindrical geometry
(Facultad Experimental de Ciencias de la Universidad del Zulia, 2011)
Thermal regime effects on the resting metabolic rate of rattlesnakes depend on temperature range
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-07-01)
While ectothermic organisms often experience considerable circadian variation in body temperature under natural conditions, the study of the effects of temperature on metabolic rates are traditionally based on subjecting ...