Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12197
Text reading in English as a second language: Evidence from the Multilingual Eye-Movements Corpus
(Studies in Second Language AcquisitionCambridge University Press, 2023)
Research into second language (L2) reading is an exponentially growing field. Yet, it still
has a relatively short supply of comparable, ecologically valid data from readers representing
a variety of first languages (L1). ...
Effects of scaffolded intensive reading on students’ reading comprehension performance
(Instituto de Investigación en Educación, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017)
Working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance
This article presents the results of a predictive – transversal study where the variables
working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance in 80 Chilean
students of seventh grade, rst and the third year ...
Working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance
This article presents the results of a predictive – transversal study where the variables
working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance in 80 Chilean
students of seventh grade, rst and the third year ...
Reading Comprehension in ninth graders through reading strategies using authentic material on Facebook.
(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de DiosLicenciatura en Idioma Extranjero - Inglés, 2016)
This study started since the analysis done to a group of ninth graders when performing a reading activity in their English class. What this research attempted to do was to improve their reading comprehension levels when ...
Validation of a reading attitudes survey in primary students Validacion de una Encuesta de Actitudes de Lectura en estudiantes de Educacion Basica
(Universidad Catolica Silva Henriquez, 2019)
The reading attitudes of primary students have proven to be relevant in their reading performance, so measuring them is fundamental to raise the level. The objective of this study was to validate and adapt the instrument ...
(Univ Metodista Piracicaba-unimep, 2020-09-01)
This work is dedicated to identify the student reading routine and comparing it with school performance. The research is of a qualitative nature and was attended by 100 students from the 5th grade of elementary school, ...
Humanist formation: The role of literary reading in the performance of the school librarianFormação humanista: O papel da leitura literária na atuação do bibliotecário escolar
Introduction: Literary reading is considered one of the most relevant activities for the improvement of interpersonal skills, such as empathy, considered essential in performing the functions of the school librarian. ...
Impact of Bridging Strategy and Feeling of Knowing Judgments on Reading Comprehension Using COMPRENDE: an Educational Technology
(Springer New York LLC, 2019)
The main purpose of the present investigation was to explore the effects of a newly-developed educational technology, COMPRENDE, on adolescents’ (N = 85) reading comprehension. More specifically, we explored whether exposure ...