Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 40
Cascade Structure for Finite Impulse Response Filters and Linear Prediction
This paper presents a complete analysis of the cascade
structure for adaptive transversal filters based on
adaptive algorithms. The standard structure of the
cascade transversal FIR filter is obtained by replacing
the ...
Adaptive filtering in cascade form using a fast multichannel RLS algorithm
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncNew York, 1997)
Diseño e Implementación de un filtro Adaptativo en PSOC aplicando el algoritmo RLS.
(Riobamba: Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2016., 2016)
Procesamiento de señales electromiográficas utilizando algoritmos de inteligencia artificial ‘on-the-edge’
En los últimos años, la inteligencia artificial se ha posicionado en todos los campos tecnológicos, principalmente ejecutando cálculos en sistemas distribuidos o en la nube, pero en aplicaciones como el procesamiento de ...
Adaptive filter feature identification for structural health monitoring in aeronautical panel
This paper presents an approach for structural health monitoring (SHM) by using adaptive filters. The experimental signals from different structural conditions provided by piezoelectric actuators/sensors bonded in the test ...
Adaptive filter feature identification for structural health monitoring in an aeronautical panel
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2011-09-01)
This article presents an approach to structural health monitoring (SHM) using adaptive filters. The experimental signals from different structural conditions provided by piezoelectric actuators/sensors bonded in the test ...
Adaptive filter feature identification for structural health monitoring in an aeronautical panel
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2011-09-01)
This article presents an approach to structural health monitoring (SHM) using adaptive filters. The experimental signals from different structural conditions provided by piezoelectric actuators/sensors bonded in the test ...
Adaptive filter feature identification for structural health monitoring in an aeronautical panel
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2014)
Intra-day solar irradiation forecast using RLS filters and satellite images.
(Elsevier, 2020)
Satellite-based solar irradiation forecasting is useful for short-term intra-day time horizons, outperforming numerical weather predictions up to 3-4 hours ahead. The main techniques for solar satellite forecast are based ...
Cascade Structure for Finite Impulse Response Filters and Linear PredictionEstructura en Cascada para Filtros de Respuesta de Impulso Finito y Predicción Lineal
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2012)