Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 247
Successful treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis with oral/ intravitreal antivirals in HIV-negative patients with lymphoma
Objectives: To report patients with systemic lymphoma and cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis, treated with a combination of oral and intravitreal antiviral agents on an outpatient basis.
Methods: Retrospective cases series. ...
Unusual macular thickness in Alport syndrome: case report
This case report describes the presence of bilateral macular atrophy in a patient with Alport syndrome and compares this finding with literature. At fundoscopy, there was a discrete circumscribed macular thinning showing ...
Imaging of retinal and choroidal manifestations of gastrointestinal disease
Ocular manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases are uncommon. This chapter describes multimodal imaging of the most frequent gastrointestinal disorders, and associated retinal and choroidal findings. Inflammatory bowel ...
Localized retinal ischemia as an ocular manifestation of primary antiphospholipid syndrome
(Canadian Ophthal Soc, 2007-06-01)
Case report: Herein, a case of an unusual ocular presentation of primary antiphospholipid syndrome.The patient disclosed localized retinal ischernia due to branch retinal artery occlusion, confirmed by fluorescein angiography ...
Retinal nerve fiber evaluation in neuro-ophthalmic diseases of the anterior visual pathway
Retinal nerve fiber evaluation is important in the diagnosis and management of several diseases of the anterior visual pathway. In this report we review the clinical findings and the current techonologies avalilable to ...
Prevalência de hipertensão arterial em pacientes com oclusão do ramo da veia central da retina
(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2008)
OBJETIVOS: Identificar em pacientes com oclusão do ramo da veia central da retina utilizando a monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial e medidas clínicas da pressão arterial: prevalência de hipertensão e o perfil ...
Aspectos clínicos relevantes en el diagnóstico de las oclusiones venosas retinianas: revisión
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 24 d)
Obstrução arterial retiniana periférica associada com hiper-homocisteinemia: relato de caso
(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2008)
A hiperhomocisteinemia é fator de risco para fenômenos trombo-embólicos retinianos associados a quadro de oclusão vascular venosa e arterial. Descrevemos um paciente com obstrução arterial retiniana periférica, sem sinais ...
Pigmentary retinopathy due to Bardet-Biedl syndrome: case report and literature review
Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with clinical and genetic heterogeneity. This syndrome was first described by Laurence and Moon in 1866 and additional cases were described by Bardet
and ...
Genotipagem de pacientes com retinose pigmentar utilizando sequenciamento de nova geração
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-07-26)
Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of diseases characterized clinically by loss of peripheral visual field, and night blindness can be caused by mutations in several genes. Purpose: Determine, for each of the 16 patients, the ...