Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 157
Algebraic construction of lattices via maximal quaternion orders
In this paper we propose a framework to construct algebraic lattices in dimensions 4n via ideals from maximal orders of a quaternion algebra whose center is a totally real number field. For n=1,2,3,4 and 6 it was possible ...
Spinor norm for skew-hermitian forms over quaternion algebras
(Elsevier, 2015)
We complete all local spinor norm computations for quater-nionic skew-hermitian forms over the field Qof rational num-bers. This can be used to compute the number of classes in a genus of skew-hermitian lattices of rank ...
A Sutileza dos Quatérnions no Movimento de Rotação de Corpos Rígidos
(Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2016-06-01)
The angular velocity of a rigid body is usually described in classical mechanics courses by using Euler angles. However, in order to avoid singularity problems on the numerical integration of the motion equations, another ...
G2 e as álgebras normadasG2 and the normed algebras
([s.n.], 2012)
Hyperbolic unit groups and quaternion algebras
We classify the quadratic extensions K = Q[root d] and the finite groups G for which the group ring o(K)[G] of G over the ring o(K) of integers of K has the property that the group U(1)(o(K)[G]) of units of augmentation 1 ...
Regulated Functions with values in the Banach Algebra of Quaternions
(Int Assoc Engineers-iaeng, 2011-01-01)
In this paper we deal with the notion of regulated functions with values in a Banach algebra A, we prove some results and present examples using quaternions. The physical meanning of this kind of functions is introduced ...
Regulated functions with values in the Banach algebra of quaternions
In this paper we deal with the notion of regulated functions with values in a Banach algebra A, we prove some results and present examples using quaternions. The physical meanning of this kind of functions is introduced ...
Finiteness of hermitian levels of some algebras
We characterize the hermitian levels of quaternion and octonion algebras and of an 8-dimensional algebra D over the ground field F, constructed using a weak version of the Cayley-Dickson double process. It is shown that ...
Finiteness of hermitian levels of some algebras
We characterize the hermitian levels of quaternion and octonion algebras and of an 8-dimensional algebra D over the ground field F, constructed using a weak version of the Cayley-Dickson double process. It is shown that ...