Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38
Quantitative and qualitative work overload and its double effect on the work-family Interface
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2015-10)
Researchers have overemphasized the effects of working time over the work-family (WF) interface. In this article, we focus on how workload acts as a stressor in the family domain. We present a framework with which we explore ...
Quantitative and qualitative work overload and its double effect on the work-family Interface
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2015-10)
Researchers have overemphasized the effects of working time over the work-family (WF) interface. In this article, we focus on how workload acts as a stressor in the family domain. We present a framework with which we explore ...
Teacher Interrupted: Work Stress, Strain, and Teaching Role
(SAGE, 2013)
A sample of 399 secondary school teachers (156 males, 243 females, 18 schools) responded to a survey questionnaire containing one measure of stress and two measures of strain. The Stressors in Teaching Scale (SITS), developed ...
Teacher Interrupted: Work Stress, Strain, and Teaching Role
(SAGE, 2013)
A sample of 399 secondary school teachers (156 males, 243 females, 18 schools) responded to a survey questionnaire containing one measure of stress and two measures of strain. The Stressors in Teaching Scale (SITS), developed ...
Efectos de los roles de género en torno a cuidados/trabajo doméstico en mujeres y hombres de las comunidades de Huachi y San Pedro, en el 2022
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2023-03-03)
The capitalist-patriarchal economic system is responsible for the sexual division of labor, designating
roles to each gender where women are the most affected by the overload of domestic and care
activities and agricultural ...
Mães trabalhadoras: um estudo quanti-qualitativo sobre uso do tempo em papéis ocupacionais, poder aquisitivo e satisfação com a vida
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional - PPGTOCâmpus São Carlos, 2020-02-13)
Today, the reconciliation of work and family is a crucial issue, being especially difficult for women to balance these two aspects. Anchored in the Model of Human Occupation, this research aimed to compare and describe the ...
Sobrecarga del cuidador primario de pacientes con discapacidad física. Penipe 2019
(Universidad Nacional de Chimnborazo, 2019)
Mulheres profissionais pós maternidade e a manifestação das estratégias de autoliderança em suas vivências no trabalho
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAdministraçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em AdministraçãoCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2022-06-14)
Brazilian professional women have consolidated their work in the labor market by integrating multiple roles, often combining the exercise of motherhood, in search of personal and professional fulfillment. Currently, the ...
Condições de trabalho e distúrbios osteomusculares em profissionais de enfermagem da UTI neonatal de um hospital universitário
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) adds a complex of care actions, which are
developed to provide care to patients with serious health problems. In this context,
the nursing team plays an important role, but on the ...
Clima na equipe: desafios e perspectivas de profissionais envolvidos no cuidado oncológico hospitalar
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem - PPGEnfCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-07-20)
The climate in the team comes from the concept of organizational climate, based on shared perceptions among professionals about policies, practices and processes in the work environment. Working as a team in the field of ...