Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 46
Branching Rules for Finite-Dimensional Uq(Su(3))-Representations with Respect to a Right Coideal Subalgebra
(Springer, 2017-08)
We consider the quantum symmetric pair (Uq(Su(3)) , B) where B is a right coideal subalgebra. We prove that all finite-dimensional irreducible representations of B are weight representations and are characterised by their ...
Matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials related to the quantum analogue of (SU (2) × SU (2) , diag)
(Springer, 2017-06)
Matrix-valued spherical functions related to the quantum symmetric pair for the quantum analogue of (SU (2) × SU (2) , diag) are introduced and studied in detail. The quantum symmetric pair is given in terms of a quantised ...
Quantum and classical aspects of deformation in the symmetric pairing model
(Iop Publishing LtdBristolInglaterra, 1997)
Conservation laws for Z(N) symmetric quantum spin models and their exact ground state energies
(Elsevier B.V., 1986-11-24)
We derive an infinite set of conserved charges for some Z(N) symmetric quantum spin models by constructing their Lax pairs. These models correspond to the Potts model, Ashkin-Teller model and the particular set of self-dual ...
Algebraic Treatment of PT-Symmetric Coupled Oscillators
(Springer, 2014-05)
The purpose of this paper is the discussion of a pair of coupled linear oscillators that has recently been proposed as a model of a system of two optical resonators. By means of an algebraic approach we show that the ...
Metric-Space Approach for Distinguishing Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin-Imbalanced Systems
(Springer, 2018-10-01)
Metric spaces are characterized by distances between pairs of elements. Systems that are physically similar are expected to present smaller distances (between their densities, wave functions, and potentials) than systems ...
Orbital Kondo spectroscopy in a double quantum dot system
(American Physical Society, 2013-12)
We calculate the nonequilibrium conductance of a system of two capacitively coupled quantum dots, each one connected to its own pair of conducting leads. The system has been used recently to perform pseudospin spectroscopy ...