Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 597
Evolución asintótica de sistemas cuánticos abiertos
La forma de la dinámica más general posible para un sistema cuántico abierto se conoce desde 1976 (Gorini, Kossakowski & Sudarshan; Lindblad).
Se discute la problemática del comportamiento a tiempos grandes, se estudian ...
Quantum tunneling fragmentation model
A nonthermal quantum mechanical statistical fragmentation model based on tunneling of particles through potential barriers is studied in compact two- and three-dimensional systems. It is shown that this fragmentation ...
Quantum tunneling fragmentation model
A nonthermal quantum mechanical statistical fragmentation model based on tunneling of particles through potential barriers is studied in compact two- and three-dimensional systems. It is shown that this fragmentation ...
Sobre la noción de distancia en física estadística y mecánica cuántica /
Estudiamos el concepto de distancia entre distribuciones de probabilidad y sus aplicaciones en problemas relevantes de la Física y la Biología. El eje central de este trabajo de tesis lo constituye la divergencia de ...
Temperature-driven nonclassical light
(American Physical Society, 2013-06)
With reference to two well known scenarios, we discuss, for nonclassical light, the competition between quantum and thermal effects. It is seen that for nonclassical light to be produced some amount of temperatureinduced ...
Entropic relations for retrodicted quantum measurements
(American Physical Society, 2018-01)
Given an arbitrary measurement over a system of interest, the outcome of a posterior measurement can be used for improving the statistical estimation of the system state after the former measurement. Here, we realize an ...