Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 151
Síndrome de Blesovsky Pseudotumor pulmonar infrecuente y subdiagnosticado
Abstract We present the case of a 68 year old immunosuppressed man, in the late period after liver transplant for alcoholic cirrhosis and in whom incidentally imaging studies showed a lung round atelectasis. The patient ...
Atelectasia pulmonar em cães durante anestesia geral
Pleural pressure is usually lower than pulmonary pressure. Therefore, the lungs tend to collapse and increase its distance from thoracic walls. At the beginning of 20th century, Pasteur described the pulmonary atelectasis, ...
Evaluation of an endovenous ketamine infusion through computed tomography on the development of pulmonary atelectasis due to general anesthesia in dogsEvaluación a través de tomografía computarizada del efecto de una infusión endovenosa de ketamina en el desarrollo de atelectasia inducida por anestesia general en perros
(Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria, 2011)
Atelectasis observed by computerized tomography after Caesarean section
Atelectasis after either vaginal or Caesarean delivery has not been adequately quantified. This study addresses the hypothesis that atelectasis may be worse in women who undergo Caesarean section when compared with vaginal ...
Identification of rounded atelectasis in workers exposed to asbestos by contrast helical computed tomography
(Assoc Bras Divulg Cientifica, 2003-10-01)
Rounded atelectasis (RA) is a benign and unusual form of subpleural lung collapse that has been described mostly in asbestos-exposed workers. This form of atelectasis manifests as a lung nodule and can be confused with ...
Identification of rounded atelectasis in workers exposed to asbestos by contrast helical computed tomography
(Assoc Bras Divulg CientificaSao PauloBrasil, 2003)
Lung Atelectasis Promotes Immune and Barrier Dysfunction as Revealed by Transcriptome Sequencing in Female Sheep
(American Society of Anesthesiologists, 2021)
Spontaneous pneumothorax due to recently diagnosed active pulmonary tuberculosisNeumotórax espontáneo secundario a tuberculosis pulmonar activa de reciente diagnóstico
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2010)