Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23186
Criminal records and public sector professional education: The role of criminal background checks in admissions to social work courses in England
Over 11 million people in England and Wales have criminal records, with men, people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds and people from poorer communities being over-represented. A gatekeeping discussion is ...
Applying the Records Continuum model in a public university
(Ibersid Network, 2016-01-01)
The Records Continuum (RC) model is applied to a database created in 1992, called Education Information System, in the Project Registration module of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), located in Santa Maria, ...
Document management in the Brazilian Public Heath Administration: an analysis from the perspective of Primary Health Care managers
(Ibersid Network, 2020-01-01)
The document management processes and their presence in the work practices of the managers of family health units in Brazil are analysed. A research of qualitative nature was developed, characterized as descriptive and ...
Document management in the Brazilian Public Heath Administration: An analysis from the perspective of Primary Health Care managersGestão Documental na Administração Pública em Saúde Brasileira: uma análise sob o ponto de vista dos gestores da Atenção Básica
The document management processes and their presence in the work practices of the managers of family health units in Brazil are analysed. A research of qualitative nature was developed, characterized as descriptive and ...
Desenvolvimento de formulário de prótese dentária a ser utilizado no Sistema SIGSAÚDE
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNOdontologia, 2021-04-23)
Plain Language in public archives: mapping NARA's performance
(Univ Brasilia, Dept Ciencia Informacao, 2021-01-01)
Writing in plain language means writing clearly. Present in several countries for decades, Plain Language is a social movement for the right of access to information and a writing technique for clear and effective ...
El control democrático de las sociedades anónimas en las que el Estado nacional tiene participación accionaria : ¿cuál es el punto de equilibrio entre el formato jurídico privado y el derecho de acceso a la información pública?
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Derecho, 2017)
Padrão tecno-estético e mercado televisivo: um estudo sobre a Rede Record de Televisão
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011)
The present research investigated Rede Record de Televisão’s (Record Television Network) strategic positioning in the public-access TV Brazilian market. The basic theoretical-methodological contribution to this work was ...
Padrão tecno-estético e mercado televisivo: um estudo sobre a Rede Record de Televisão
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011)
The present research investigated Rede Record de Televisão’s (Record Television Network) strategic positioning in the public-access TV Brazilian market. The basic theoretical-methodological contribution to this work was ...