Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2088
Biblioteca P??blica, converg??ncias e diverg??ncias:Chile, Col??mbia e Brasil
(Instituto de Ci??ncia da Informa????o da Universidade Federal da BahiaCi??ncia da Informa????oUFBAbrasil, 2016-11-28)
The diversity in legislation on public libraries in brazil and spainA diversidade na legislação sobre bibliotecas públicas no brasil e espanha
Public libraries are in face a diverse public, and often oppressed. The proposal of a mediating action foresees a constant rapprochement with readers in order to promote internal policies and activities that seek the ...
Convergences between national and South American public policies for the promotion of books, reading, and libraries and 2030 Agenda SDG 4: what is behind them?
(Univ Federal Santa Catarina, 2020-01-01)
Objective: To identify and to measure existing convergences between national public policies of promotion of the books, reading and libraries goals of South American countries, and the ten goals of 2030 Agenda Sustainable ...
Information literacy focused on school librarian activities
Information literacy is important to access, evaluate and use information in an efficient way. Furthermore, information literacy helps individuals to use technology, to seek information, to interpret a text, to verify an ...
The tangible and the corporeal of brazilian public libraries: From the ideal to the realO tangível e o corpóreo das bibliotecas públicas brasileiras: Do ideal ao real
Public libraries (BPs) are institutions with enormous potential for social transformation. It is in these institutions that the individual can develop skills and abilities to manipulate and expand knowledge through access ...
Políticas públicas para bibliotecas públicas: una propuesta de soluciones locales a problemas globalesPublic policies for public libraries: a proposal for local solutions to global problems
(Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, 2009)
Biblioteca Pública, convergências e divergências: Chile, Colômbia e Brasil
(Instituto de Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal da BahiaCiência da InformaçãoUFBAbrasil, 2016-11-28)
Pretende-se identificar a dimensão do papel social da Biblioteca Pública (BP) brasileira traçando um paralelo com dois países da América Latina, Chile e Colômbia. O estudo se desenvolve levantando dados que contribuam para ...
Análise das políticas públicas para as bibliotecas públicas no Brasil
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilECI - ESCOLA DE CIENCIA DA INFORMAÇÃOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão e Organização do ConhecimentoUFMG, 2019-08-06)
The study aimed to map the scientific communication on public policies made by the Federal Government within the scope of Brazilian Public Libraries. It was intended to draw an overview of the scientific production on the ...
Documentary heritage and collections public policies through the formation of the documental collection of the museu da companhia paulista library
(Univ Estadual Campinas - Sistema Bibliotecas, 2020-01-01)
The article studies the documental collection of the Museu da Companhia Paulista in Jundiai and aims to identify how the formation of the documental collection took place in order to contribute to its valuation and ...
Evolución histórica de los conceptos de biblioteca pública, sistema de bibliotecas y política bibliotecaria
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 31 d)