Análise das políticas públicas para as bibliotecas públicas no Brasil
Eduardo Santos Rocha
The study aimed to map the scientific communication on public policies made by the Federal Government within the scope of Brazilian Public Libraries. It was intended to draw an overview of the scientific production on the subject, from the analysis of scientific publications of Postgraduate Programs in Librarianship, Information Science and related areas, between the years 1988 and 2018. This is a quantitative research of content analysis and bibliometric analysis. Thirty-six distinct publications were ascertained. The publications available in the Database of Periodicals in Information Science (BRAPCI) were analyzed, which presented 24 publications, Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISTA), with five publications, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), with four publications and Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) with three publications. The PERI database did not present any publication that matched the scope of the present study. The publications were classified and distributed according to the pre-established categories. The categories National Book Institute (INL) and National Book and Reading Plan (PNLL) had two publications each. The category Public Policies for Inclusion and Accessibility in Public Libraries had seven publications. The category State and Municipal Public Policies for Public Libraries obtained 12 publications, followed by the category Public Policies for Books and Reading with 14 publications. Considering the publications with at least two incidences by journal and or annals of scientific meetings, it was verified seven publications in the journal Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, seven incidences in the Brazilian Journal of Library and Documentation, three incidences in the journal Informação e Sociedade: estudos, three incidences in the annals of the National Meeting on Information Science and Library Science Research (ENANCIB). The journals Transinformação, Ciência da Informação and Revista onine da Biblioteca Prof. Joel Martins had two incidences of publication each. The highest concentration of publications occurred in the year 2018, with seven publications, followed by the years 2014 with six publications and 2017 with four publications. In the years 2013, 2015 and 2016 three publications per year were verified. The years 2000, 2005 and 2012 presented two publications each. In the years from 2001 to 2004, 2007 and 2011 no publications on the theme of the present study were found. It was verified 65 incidences of authorship, by means of the analysis of the authors who obtained at least two publications. It was found that the author Elisa Campos Machado obtained four incidences of publications. The other authors who obtained at least two publications presented an average of 2.5 publications each. After the analysis of the researches published between the years from 1988 to 2018, it was found that the scientific production on public policies within the Brazilian Public Libraries has been treated sparingly by the agenda of Postgraduate programs in Information Science in Brazil.