Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 689
Associations between teacher self-efficacy and teaching choice by graduate students in EngineeringAssociações entre autoeficácia docente e escolha pela docência por pós-graduandos em Engenharia
This study aimed to identify factors that influence the choice of graduate students in Engineering for teaching in higher education, teaching self-efficacy and to relate these variables. 340 postgraduate students from 33 ...
Self-efficacy at workplace: validation of spanish versions of Occupational Emotional, Social, and Task Self-efficacy ScalesAutoeficacia en el trabajo: validación de las versiones en español de las Escalas de Autoeficacia Ocupacional Emocional, Social y en la Tarea
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología, 2022-04)
La autoeficacia es uno de los recursos más importantes en el trabajo. El objetivo fue adaptar las escalas “Occupational Emotional, Social, and Task Self-efficacy at Work”. Participaron 771 empleados argentinos, 58% fueron ...
Lecturer self-efficacy beliefs: an integrative review and synthesis of relevant literature
This article reviews available research literature in the field of lecturer self-efficacy beliefs produced between 1988 and 2020. Given the growing interest in lecturer self-efficacy beliefs in recent years, and the global ...
Self-efficacy scale for the establishment of good relationships with families in neonatal and pediatric hospital settings
(Univ Sao Paolo, 2017)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop and test the psychometric properties of the Self-efficacy Scale for the Establishment of Good Relationships with Families in Neonatal and Pediatric Hospital Settings. ...
Autoeficácia e burnout: resultados após uma intervenção direcionada a profissionais da área de proteção a crianças e adolescentes
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2013-03)
Jobs of protecting children and adolescents area are characterized by a frequent connection with people in need of protection and the impotence through the adversities faced at work. Therefore, these professionals can ...
Autoeficácia e burnout: resultados após uma intervenção direcionada a profissionais da área de proteção a crianças e adolescentes
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2013-03)
Jobs of protecting children and adolescents area are characterized by a frequent connection with people in need of protection and the impotence through the adversities faced at work. Therefore, these professionals can ...
Students’ perceptions on their EFL teacher efficacy: a study on EFL teachers' language proficiency and their self-efficacy
Recent research has shown the increasing number of non-native English-speaking teachers (NNEST) around the world.
Research has also considered different attributes these teachers need to have in order to be effective in ...