Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 859
Perceptions and uses of public and private healthcare in a Brazilian favela
(SAGE Journals, 2017)
Understanding differences in access and use of healthcare between international immigrants to Chile and the Chilean-born: a repeated cross-sectional population-based study in Chile
(BioMed Central, 2012)
International evidence indicates consistently lower rates of access and use of healthcare by international immigrants. Factors associated with this phenomenon vary significantly depending on the context. ...
Understanding differences in access and use of healthcare between international immigrants to Chile and the Chilean-born: a repeated cross-sectional population-based study in Chile
(BioMed Central, 2012)
International evidence indicates consistently lower rates of access and use of healthcare by international immigrants. Factors associated with this phenomenon vary significantly depending on the context. ...
Current trends in the healthcare system and facilities in Venezuela
(TESIS Inter-University Research Center Systems and Technologies for Healthcare Facilities. University of Florence, 2017)
Perceptions and uses of public and private healthcare in a Brazilian favela
(SAGE Journals, 2017)
Perfil sociodemográfico e padrão de utilização dos serviços de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), 2003- 2008
(Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2011)
O objetivo foi analisar a evolução do perfil de utilização de serviços de saúde, entre 2003 e 2008, no Brasil e nas suas macrorregiões. Foram utilizados dados da PNAD. A utilização de serviços de saúde foi medida pela ...
Effect of a cost-sharing variation on the utilization of GES insurance and private healthcare services
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
Since 2006, the cost-sharing faced by the public insurer beneficiaries aged 60 years
and over had decreased to zero for all “Garantias Explicitas en Salud” (Explicit
Health Guarantees, GES) care and non-GES services ...
Process-oriented integration and coordination of healthcare services across organizational boundaries
(Springer, 2012-12)
The paper presents a methodology that follows a top-down approach based on a Model-Driven Architecture for integrating and coordinating healthcare services through cross-organizational processes to enable organizations ...
Healthcare services in the U.K. P rivate sector and the new consultant Contract : key statistics and trends
The private hospital sector in the UK is small compared with the National Health Service (NHS) provisions. In per capita termsFrom a per capita perspective, there were 20 private acute beds per 100.000 population in 1997/1998 ...
Accreditation model proposal for private healthcare plansProposta de Modelo de acreditação para operadoras privadas de planos de saúde
(Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2003)