Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 363
Chemical characterization of Brazilian prehistoric ceramics by INAA
(Vienna: IAEA, 2003, 2014)
Reading Prehistoric Human Tracks : Methods & Material
This Open Access book explains that after long periods of prehistoric research in which the importance of the archaeological as well as the natural context of rock art has been constantly underestimated, research has now ...
Human Origins in the New World? Florentino Ameghino and the Emergence of Prehistoric Archaeology in the Americas (1875–1912)
(Maney Publishing, 2015-01)
This paper analyzes the early development of prehistoric archaeology as a scientific discipline in Argentina (1880–1910), focusing on one of its most important topics: Quaternary (Paleolithic) and Tertiary man. Around 1900, ...
A arte pré-histórica no Extremo Sul Catarinense-SC: um estudo de caso do sitio de arte pré-histórica “Toca do Tatu” e das ocorrências Malacara, Josafaz I e Salto da Serrinha
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-07-18)
This Master thesis aims to map the record, the typological and technical analysis of the archaeological sites of prehistoric art registered in the foothills of the Santa Catarina general saw, within the research polygon ...
A arte pré-histórica no Extremo Sul Catarinense-SC: um estudo de caso do sitio de arte pré-histórica “Toca do Tatu” e das ocorrências Malacara, Josafaz I e Salto da Serrinha
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-07-18)
This Master thesis aims to map the record, the typological and technical analysis of the archaeological sites of prehistoric art registered in the foothills of the Santa Catarina general saw, within the research polygon ...
O surgimento da navegação entre os povos dos sambaquis: argumentos, hipóteses e evidências
(Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia - MAESão Paulo, 2011)
As evidências arqueológicas encontradas ao longo do litoral
brasileiro atestam que essa área era ocupada, desde, pelo menos, 8.000 anos
AP, por grupos pescadores coletores que exploravam os ambientes aquáticos
costeiros. ...