Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1139
Compreendendo o significado da gestação para grávidas diabéticas.
This qualitative study intends to understand the meaning of pregnancy for diabetic women. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and data were analyzed by means of the Collective Subject Discourse, identifying the ...
Compreendendo o significado da gestação para grávidas diabéticas.
This qualitative study intends to understand the meaning of pregnancy for diabetic women. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and data were analyzed by means of the Collective Subject Discourse, identifying the ...
Adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with diabetes
(Biomed Central Ltd, 2012-09-11)
Pregnancy affects both the maternal and fetal metabolism and even in nondiabetic women exerts a diabetogenic effect. Among pregnant women, 2 to 17.8% develop gestational diabetes. Pregnancy can also occur in women with ...
Gestational diabetes, comparison of women diagnosed in second and third trimester of pregnancy with non GDM women: Analysis of a cohort study
Pregnant women are normally screened for Gestational diabetes (GDM) at week 24 of pregnancy. However sonic women develop the disease later on their pregnancies. No study has analyzed women developing GDM later in pregnancy ...
Impact of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Sexual Function: A Case-Control Study
Background: The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is increasing worldwide, and this condition may be compromising female sexual function. However, there are controversial findings regarding the impact of ...
Animal models in diabetes and pregnancy
(Oxford University Press, 2010-10)
The worldwide increase in the incidence of diabetes, the increase in type 2 diabetes in women at reproductive ages, and the cross-generation of the intrauterine programming of type 2 diabetes are the bases for the growing ...
Diabetic ketoacidosis during gestational diabetes. A case report
(Elsevier, 2011)
Diabetic ketoacidosis is an infrequent complication of gestational diabetes but results in fetal loss. It usually occurs in the later stages of pregnancy. We report two young pregnant women who were admitted because of ...