Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 887
Medication Possession Ratio Predicts Antiretroviral Regimens Persistence in Peru
(Public Library of Science, 2013)
Objectives: In developing nations, the use of operational parameters (OPs) in the prediction of clinical care represents a missed opportunity to enhance the care process. We modeled the impact of multiple measurements of ...
Distinção entre usuário e traficante da lei de drogas: o critério subjetivo dessa definição e suas consequênciasDistinction between drug user and drug dealer: the subjective criteria of this definition and its consequences
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilDireito, 2021)
Análisis de los límites legales de la tenencia, consumo, distribución o comercialización de la dosis personal en Colombia
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 2022)
Antecedentes: Tanto la legislación como la jurisprudencia se han manifestado a partir de fundamentos de tipo jurídico y filosófico; sin embargo, no han tenido en cuenta los conceptos técnico-científicos de las áreas de ...
Ambient mass spectrometry technologies for the detection of falsified drugs
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013-10)
Increased globalization of the pharmaceutical market has facilitated the unobstructed and fast spread of poor-quality medicines. Poor-quality medicines include spurious/falsely-labeled/falsified/counterfeit drugs (those ...
A New Methodology to Create Polymeric Nanocarriers Containing Hydrophilic Low Molecular-Weight Drugs: A Green Strategy Providing a Very High Drug Loading
(American Chemical Society, 2019)
To date, a large number of active molecules are hydrophilic and aromatic low molecular-weight drugs (HALMD). Unfortunately, the low capacity of these molecules to interact with excipients and the fast release when a ...
A (in)adequação do art. 28 da lei nº 11.343 aos princípios penais da ofensividade e da proporcionalidade
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2015-11-30)
The power of criminal tutelage of the State is the most extreme and offensive form that sovereign entities have to ensure social order. Through the use of jus puniendi the State possess the express authorization to limit ...
Crosslinked casein-based micelles as a dually responsive drug delivery system
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018-07-30)
New types of biodegradable nanocarriers for drug delivery were prepared using casein (CAS) micelles as particle templates and glyceraldehyde (GAL) as a crosslinking agent. We found that highly crosslinked casein micelles ...