Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3094
Influential factors affecting inherent deformation during plate forming by line hating (Report 1) - the effect of plate size and edge effect
The authors aim to propose an accurate and practical method to predict the deformation of actual plates of large size such as those used in shipbuilding. This method is to be used to improve the accuracy of an automatic ...
Strain rate of the South American lithospheric plate by SIRGAS-CON geodetic observations
A multiyear solution of the SIRGAS-CON network was used to estimate the strain rates of the earth surface from the changing directions of the velocity vectors of 140 geodetic points located in the South American plate. The ...
Strain rate of the South American lithospheric plate by SIRGAS-CON geodetic observations
A multiyear solution of the SIRGAS-CON network was used to estimate the strain rates of the earth surface from the changing directions of the velocity vectors of 140 geodetic points located in the South American plate. The ...
A numerical study of parameters governing an inherent deformation database of plates formed by line heating
As an overall strategy to improve the accuracy of the forming process, the authors pay attention to those factors which may influence the inherent deformation of plates formed by line heating. In order to identify those ...
Development of a neural network model to predict distortion during the metal forming process by line heating
In order to achieve automation of the plate forming process by line heating, it is necessary to know in advance the deformation to be obtained under specific heating conditions. Currently, different methods exist to predict ...
Numerical study of inherent deformation produced in thick plates through bending by line heating
In ship building, line-heating is widely employed as an effective method to form steel plate with complex 3-dimensional carved geometries. However the plate bending by line heating is strongly dependent on skills. To ...
Transpressional tectonics and strain partitioning during oblique collision between three plates in the Precambrian of southeast Brazil
This paper is part of the special publication Continental transpressional and transtensional tectonics (eds R.E. Holdsworth, R.A. Strachan and J.F. Dewey). Two orogenic belts have been recognized in south- east Brazil, ...
(Instituto de Geofísica, 2013)
An EFG method for the nonlinear analysis of plates undergoing arbitrarily large deformations
The applicability of a meshfree approximation method, namely the EFG method, on fully geometrically exact analysis of plates is investigated. Based on a unified nonlinear theory of plates, which allows for arbitrarily large ...