Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2755
Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) associates with NADPH oxidase and is required for phagocytosis of Leishmania chagasi promastigotes by macrophages
PDI, a redox chaperone, is involved in host cell uptake of bacteria/viruses, phagosome formation, and vascular NADPH oxidase regulation. PDI involvement in phagocyte infection by parasites has been poorly explored. Here, ...
Lançamento do PDI 2019-2023
Evaluación de la actividad oxido-reductora de PDI durante la unión PDI-TLPs de rotavirus en la membrana citoplasmática de vellosidades intestinales aisladas de ratón ICR adulto
La infectividad de rotavirus es reducida por moléculas que alteran el intercambio tiol-disulfuro y por anticuerpos contra PDI. El objetivo fue evaluar la interacción y asociación funcional entre PDI y TLPs de Rotavirus ...
Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional 2019-2028
(Unesp, 2019)
Endo-PDI is required for TNFα-induced angiogenesis
(Elsevier ScienceNew York, 2013-12)
Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and its homologs are oxidoreductases facilitating protein folding in the ER. Endo-PDI (also termed ERp46) is highly expressed in endothelial cells. It belongs to the PDI family but its ...
Informe del Consejo Superior y la Direcci?n de la Universidad de Ibagu? al Consejo de Fundadores- marzo de 2017
(Universidad de Ibagu?, 2019)
Implementation of the Interactive Whiteboard (PDI) in the teaching of the calculus integral according to the perspective of engineering students
(Universidad Continental, 2018)
El objetivo fue determinar la utilización de la pizarra
digital interactiva (PDI) en la enseñanza del Cálculo
Integral según la perspectiva de los estudiantes de
Ingeniería. El trabajo de investigación es de ...
Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) 2016-2020
(Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2018)
Brics na Covid-19: multilateralismo, capacidade tecnológica e colaboração em PD&I
(Observatório Covid-19 FiocruzEditora Fiocruz, 2021)
Protein disulfide isomerase redox-dependent association with p47(phox): evidence for an organizer role in leukocyte NADPH oxidase activation
Mechanisms of leukocyte NADPH oxidase regulation remain actively investigated. We showed previously that vascular and macrophage oxidase complexes are regulated by the associated redox chaperone PDI. Here, we investigated ...