Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1695
Intergeracionalidade da violência intrafamiliar: um estudo de casos múltiplos
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia - PPGPsiCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-05-02)
It is the role of caregivers and those responsible for children and adolescents to employ educational practices aligned with the needs of these segments, so that they can fulfill their role of educating them in the best ...
History matters, but differently: Persisting and perpetuating effects on the likelihood of intimate partner violence
(Taylor & FrancisUS, 2021)
Ecological models of violence center on systems (micro, meso, and macro) surrounding personal history of violence, but few studies properly assess the effects of personal history on the likelihood of victimization. Using ...
As relações amorosas do adolescente com histórico de violência intrafamiliar.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2018-05-02)
Episodes involving intrafamily violence have been widely publicized in the media, besides of
being a frequent theme in academic circles. Intrafamily violence is understood to mean any
act or omission that impairs the ...
O fenômeno da alienação parental: um olhar por meio do conselho tutelar
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosPsicologia - Psi, 2018-12-15)
Parental Alienation (AP), present in Law 12.318 / 10, is relatively new in Brazil and requires further analysis as a growing phenomenon. It is defined, judicially, by parental behaviors of restriction and defamatory campaign ...
Concepciones pedagógicas sobre la violencia filio parental de profesorado y familias
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las concepciones pedagógicas sobre la violencia filio-parental (VFP) y las variables que inciden en la misma desde las percepciones de profesorado y familias de tres centros de ...
Client violence towards childcare workers: a systematic literature review
Client violence against childcare workers is a relevant problem due to its impact on their well-being and the service they provide due to their significant role in the child protection process. This study explored violence ...
Conflict, parenting and early childhood mental health evidence from a conflict setting - Tumaco, Colombia.
(Universidad de los AndesMaestría en EconomíaFacultad de Economía, 2022-05-31)
In this study, I study the effect of the exposure (or reduction in the exposure) to conflict-related violence on parental mental health, caregivers' parenting stress and responsive caregiving, and early childhood mental ...