Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 702
Serological prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD-1) in non-vaccinated dairy cattle in the municipality of Realeza-Paraná
Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is an infectious and contagious disease affecting cattle that is responsible for causing a wide range of clinical manifestations ranging from inapparent or subclinical infections to an acute ...
Ethnobotanical survey of Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek in a rural community in the Southwest of Paraná, BrazilEstudio etnobotánico de Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek en una comunidad rural en el Sudoeste de Paraná, BrasilLevantamento etnobotânico de Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek em uma comunidade rural do Sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil
Introduction: Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek belongs to the Celastraceae family. Native to Brazil, this plant grows mainly in the south of the country. Use of medicinal plants is very common in Brazil, and studies ...
Inserção dos produtores na cadeia do leite e seu nível de produtividade : um estudo para a região sudoeste do Paraná
(Universidade Estadual de MaringáBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EconomiaUEMMaringá, PRDepartamento de Economia, 2018)
Spontaneous poisoning by Hovenia dulcis in dairy cattle in Southwest Parana, Brazil
Livestock poisoning by plants is a frequent occurrence which determines severe losses, such as the fall in the milk and meat production, the cost of expensive treatments, the state of immunosuppression, or even the animal's ...
Physical fitness related to motor performance and health of adolescents of the southwest region of the state of Sao Paulo and north pioneer of the state of Parana
(Inst Brasileiro Pesquisa & Ensino Fisiologia Exercicio-ibpefex, 2018-01-01)
Introduction: Each human being has a behavior with unique and complex characteristics, which in their development over the years, individually modify the physical fitness (Pereira and collaborators, 2014). Objective: In ...
Especialização versus diversificação na agricultura: um estudo de caso do sudoeste do Paraná
(AgronomiaDois VizinhosBrasilUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáUTFPR, 2018-11-21)
The new stage that agriculture has been going through since World War II coincided with that of the Consolidation of Capitalism as an Economic System. With guaranteed productivity gains achieved, it was possible to 'sustain' ...
Petrography and geochemistry of basic pegmatites of the Paraná Igneous Province, southwest of the Paraná StatePetrografia e geoquímica de pegmatitos básicos da Província Ígnea do Paraná, no sudoeste do estado do Paraná
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2020)
Morfodinâmica e transporte fluvial no Sudoeste do Estado do Paraná por método de levantamento de microbacias hidrográficas através de geoprocessamento
(Universidade Federal do ParanáFrancisco BeltraoPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2003-12-19)
In the Southwest area of the Paraná state, in the rural area, the relevant environmental problems concentrate on the degradation of the pedologic covering and on the eradication of the natural vegetable covering, due to ...