Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 44
Estudio de estabilidad de los taludes de las presas del Proyecto Pacalori, teniendo en cuenta la acción sísmica
In this thesis we show a procedure to analyze the slope stability of earth dams, for three load conditions (end of construction, operation and rapid drawdown), with and without earthquake loading.
To analyze the slope ...
Análisis comparativo entre los métodos de estabiliad de taludes aplicados a las presas de tierra del Proyecto PACALORI
The following investigation work focuses on using digital modelling tools to quantify the safety on an earth dam. The present study analyzes the behavior of the stress to which the PACALORI project dams will be subject to. ...
Diseño definitivo de las vías de reposición para los embalses Aguacatal y Lechugal 2 del proyecto “PACALORI”
The PACALORI project consists of thirteen dams, whose reservoirs will affect the road network in the area. In order to determine the roads affected by the height of the maximum water level of the reservoir (NAM for its ...
Identificación de arcillas dispersivas en los suelos de la presa Chojampe 2 del proyecto Pacalori
Clay is commonly used in construction of hydraulic structures such as dams because these structures lower permeability and are able to be in contact with water. However, a dispersive type of clay is very susceptible to ...
Estudio y caracterización de los métodos que definen la cota de corona en presas de tierra: aplicación en el diseño definitivo del proyecto Pacalori
This research aims to establish a methodology best suited to estimate the Crest Level in earth dams, with application to earth dams project PLAN DE APROVECHAMIENTO Y CONTROL DE AGUA DE LA PROVINCIA DE LOS RÍOS (PACALORI). ...
Estudio de la instrumentación a utilizar en las presas de tierra del proyecto Pacalori
This research focuses on defining the necessary instrumentation for Lechugal 2 earth dambelonging to PACALORI project (Plan de Aprovechamiento y Control de Aguas de la Provincia de Los Ríos) and to serve as a methodology ...
Estudio del revestimiento de taludes aguas arriba en las presas de tierra del proyecto Pacalori
This research indicates the design methodology with respect to the types of surface protection for upstream slopes mostly used as homogeneous earthfill dam, protection with dumped rock riprap and protection with articulated ...
Simulación de escenarios de consumo de agua en condiciones de agricultura tecnificada bajo riego en el proyecto Pacalori- Provincia de Los Ríos
This thesis was conducted within the megaproject PACALORI, located in the Guayas river basin. This basin corresponds to the South Western and Central South regions of Province of Los Rios, Ecuador.
The main aim of the ...
Análisis de escenarios y estudio de un balance hídrico con aplicación al embalse MACUL 1 empleando el programa HEC-ResSim
The PACALORI project has as its main purpose to control the flood and water supply for irrigation, for which dams will be built whose reservoirs would store water for irrigation, one of which is the reservoir Macul 1 with ...