Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1248
The production of information in Brasilia: the backstage of politics in Andréia Sadi’s blogA produção de informação em Brasília: os bastidores da política no blog da jornalista Andréia Sadi
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2019)
Blogs and bloggers
This entry discusses the main characteristics of blogs and bloggers and their coevolution since the start of blogging in the 1990s. Blogs are a kind of website that can be used to present introspective ruminations or an ...
O litígio no acordo ortográfico de 1990 : os falantes e o Estado
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGLCâmpus São Carlos, 2015-04-24)
The objective of this research is to analyze posts in blogs that deal
Orthographic Agreement 1990 to understand the enunciative movement of
Portuguese speaker’s place and Brazilian speaker’s place of Portuguese
Language ...
Análisis de los elementos y criterios profesionales en los blogs periodísticos
This article presents an analysis of the elements and professional criteria in ten political journalistic blogs (j-blogs) integrated into regular reference newspapers’ websites in Brazil and Spain. The objective of the ...
Un análisis de la participación y de la interactividad en los j-blogs politicos
From a comparative study of ten political journalistic blogs (j-blog) hosted in Brazil and Spain newspapers, we present results concerning participation and interactivity in these blogs. In order to know the level of ...
Internet, feminismos e a possibilidade de unidades provisóriasInternet, feminisms and the possibility of interim unitsInternet, feminismo y la posibilidad de unidades provisionales
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde., 2017)