O litígio no acordo ortográfico de 1990 : os falantes e o Estado
2015-04-24Registro en:
Steigenberger, Fabiana Fernanda
The objective of this research is to analyze posts in blogs that deal
Orthographic Agreement 1990 to understand the enunciative movement of
Portuguese speaker’s place and Brazilian speaker’s place of Portuguese
Language to produce a speech on the spelling. We choose “to give voice” to
speaker that had voice and He didn’t expose his opinion about the orthographic
standardization of language was by decree. It is through posts in the blogs that
speakers assert their belonging and speak about Portuguese Language. The
blog to Brazilian speaker and Portuguese speaker become a public and
democratic space of opinion about language. The operation of the political in
enunciative space permited to look at the brunt between Portuguese and
Brazilian State and the Portuguese and Brazilian speaker of Portuguese
Language and that showed publicly on the Internet their opinion about state
decision on Portuguese Language. The possibility to look to this brunt we
interessed for research. Our object of study is composed of the official decrees
of Portuguese and Brazilian State of Orthographic Reform 1911 and
Orthographic Agreement of 1931, 1945, 1971 and 1990. Our object also is
composed for posts of blogs about Orthographic Agreement of 1990. We
choose posts in Brazilians and Portugueses blogs that approach. The
Orthographic Agreement and his political, economic, social, cultural