Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2574
A palavra do outro ouvida e respondida: uma compreensão enunciativa sobre a atividade de recontar histórias nas séries iniciais
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGL, 2014-03-25)
On the assumption that a text is the guiding object for both teaching and learning, according to words by Geraldi (2003; 2010), the aim of this study is the analysis of written stories retold by students who are in process ...
Eventos pasados
The following presentation shows some examples about biographies and later a base plan which can be used anytime we eant to write a biography on our own.
Expanding the open Wordnets for english and portuguese to geology domain: inclusion of lythology and geological time concepts
O conhecimento humano tem sido armazenado, transferido e crescido através de meios escritos. A habilidade humana de acessar essa fonte de conhecimento é notadamente a principal razão pela qual conseguimos avançar o nosso ...
Reconocimiento de acciones cotidianas
(Universidad Católica San PabloPE, 2016)
The proposed method consists of three parts: features extraction, the
use of bag of words and classification. For the first stage, we use the STIP
descriptor for the intensity channel and HOG descriptor for the depth ...
Succession and the transfer of social capital in chinese family businesses : understanding guanxi as a resource – cases, examples and firm owners in their own words
At present, possibly no other economic region attracts as much attention as
China. Certainly, it would be redundant to list all topics of note, from growth
rates to governmental control, from patent protection to spending ...
conjugate with what the other is according to the experience of philosophising
(State Univ Rio De Janeiro, 2016-09-01)
It turns to be more and more challenging to place ourselves beyond our own words, which are often repeated and emptied. This text presents and thinks two new possibilities related to experiences of the Group of Studies and ...