Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 128
Caracterización de espacios de Orlicz pesados a través de wavelets
This paper presents wavelet characterizations through heavy space Orlicz type standards, such as heavy Orlicz spaces, Orlicz-Sobolev and Hardy-Orlicz. For the study of Orlicz spaces and Orlicz-Sobolev weight used various ...
Inequalities for the Extended Best Polynomial Approximation Operator in Orlicz Spaces
(Springer Heidelberg, 2019-02)
In this paper we pursue the study of the best approximation operator extended from L^Φ to L^φ, where φ denotes the derivative of the function Φ. We get pointwise convergence for the coefficients of the extended best ...
Espacios de sucesiones de Orlicz [l.sub.H] y representabilidad finita.
Como complemento a la solución del problema de caracterización del ideal maximal normado de operadores asociado a una norma tensorial definida mediante un espacio de sucesiones de Orlicz [l.sub.H], resultado obtenido en ...
The fractional integral between Orlicz and BMO(phi) spaces on spaces of homogeneous type
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, 2003-07)
In this work we give sufficient and necessary conditions for the boundednessof the fractional integral operator acting between weighted Orlicz spaces and suitableBMOφ spaces, in the general setting of spaces of homogeneous ...
Composition of operators in Orlicz spaces
(Rocky Mt Math Consortium, 2008-12)
In this work we find sharp conditions for boundedness on Orlicz spaces of the composition of j operators, each one being of restricted weak type (p,p) for some p > 1, and of strong type (∞, ∞). Particularly, we find necessary ...
Maz'ya-Shaposhnikova formula in magnetic fractional Orlicz–Sobolev spaces
(IOS Press, 2022)
In this note we prove the validity of the Maz'ya-Shaposhnikova formula in magnetic fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces. This complements a previous asymptotic study of the limit as s ↑ 1 performed by the second author in ...
Boundedness of convolution operators with smooth kernels on Orlicz spaces
(Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Mathematics, 2002-12)
We study boundedness in Orlicz norms of convolution operators with integrable kernels satisfying a generalized Lipschitz condition with respect to normal quasidistances of ℝn and continuity moduli given by growth functions.