Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 57
The information privacy concerns at the organizational level: An exploratory study in the bank sector
(Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015)
The leakage of private information in corporations continues to occur on a large scale, with loss of thousands of records. The information privacy concerns are one dimension that can help to define organizations' attitudes ...
Métodos estatísticos de proteção de dados condenciais sob a condição de Dierential Privacy
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-02-23)
Theamountofdataproducedindigitalerahasincreasedinthelastdecades. Awareof this, companies and organizations have been making all necessary eorts to analyze this amount of information. However, the attention concerning privacy ...
DEFeND Architecture: A Privacy by Design Platform for GDPR Compliance
The advent of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes organizations to cope with radical changes concerning user data protection paradigms. GDPR, by promoting a Privacy by Design approach, obliges ...
Privacy perception in location-based services for mobile devices in the university community of the north coast of Colombia
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2019)
Introduction: The use of mobile applications has increased in the last years. Most of them require the knowledge of the user location, either for their core service or for marketing purposes. Location-based services (LBS) ...
Big data privacy context: literature effects on secure informational assets
(BrasilInstituto COPPEAD de Administração, 2019)
Privacy and Data Balkanization: Circumventing the Barriers
(Revista Abierta de Informática Aplicada, 2021)
O Direito fundamental à privacidade ante a monetização de dados pessoais na internet: apontamentos legais para uma perspectiva regulatória
The object of this dissertation is to cast a legal view over the personal data monetization
scenario, intending to suggest regulatory perspectives to such economic activities and aiming
to contribute to the protection ...
Do direito à confidencialidade no atendimento por telemedicina e a efetividade da tutela jurídica
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulPorto Alegre, 2008)
Privacy is one of the fundamental rights of individuals, and concerns the personal control over an environment of shelter, tranquility, solitude, secret and intimacy. The exposure of such personal information, at times ...