Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 90023
Learning Analytics in Relation to Open Access to Research Data in Peru. An Interdisciplinary Comparison
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2020-10-01)
The aim of this paper is to investigate the perceptions of learning analytics re-searchers in Peru about the barriers to publication of their research data. A review of the relevant legislation was done. Semi-structured ...
Research Data Sharing: Framework of Factors that Can Influence Researchers
Health emergencies contribute to a greater sharing of research data among the scientific community, however, there are other factors that can influence researchers to share or retain their data. The objective is to identify ...
Legislative linked open data: A proposal of linked open data modelling for legislative informationModelo de dados abertos conectados para informaÇÃo legislativa
This research aimed to create a linked open data (LOD) model using RDF (Resource Description Framework) for a legislative dataset from the House of Representatives. It has proceeded a literature review embracing the concepts ...
LEGISLATIVE LINKED OPEN DATA: a proposal of linked open data modelling for legislative information
(Univ Federal Campina Grande, 2018-05-01)
This research aimed to create a linked open data (LOD) model using RDF (Resource Description Framework) for a legislative dataset from the House of Representatives. It has proceeded a literature review embracing the concepts ...
Open Data Protection - Study on legal barriers to open data sharing - Data Protection and PSI
This study analyses legal barriers to data sharing in the context of the Open Research Data Pilot, which the European Commission is running within its research framework programme Horizon2020. In the first part of the ...
Scientific data repositories in research infrastructure: Adoption of FAIR principlesRepositorios de datos científicos en infraestructura de investigación: Adopción de principios FAIRRepositórios de dados científicos na infraestrutura de pesquisa: Adoção dos princípios FAIR
Research infrastructures are implemented by institutions to support the discovery, sharing, exploration, analysis, curation, use, replication and management of data that, line up with the issues discussed in the Open Science ...
Engaging Researchers with Data Management : The Cookbook
Research data management is no longer a new or unknown concept
for today’s researchers, but nonetheless it can be intimidating. Many
universities, institutes, organisations, and funding agencies have
guidelines, mandates, ...
Research Data – Basics and Results of ETD’s
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2012-09)
During the ETD-conferences in the past we discussed the pros and cons of electronic thesis and dissertations. We described the requirements for maintaining ETD’s in repositories and how we could motivate authors to make ...
Open access to research data in brazil: Mapping repositories, practices and perceptions of researchers and technologiesAcceso abierto a datos de investigación en brasil: Mapeo de repositorios, prácticas y percepciones de investigadores y tecnologíasAcesso aberto a dados de pesquisa no brasil: Mapeamento de repositórios, práticas e percepções dos pesquisadores e tecnologias
Initiatives to promote Open Access to Research Data have grown significantly worldwide, although in Brazil there are still few studies on the subject. The aim of this paper is to present the development and results of the ...
Producción educativa española en el Social Sciences Citation Index (1988-97)
This study examines the Spanish educational production inscrted in the SSCI (Social
Sciences Citation Index) data base from 1988 to 1997. It quantifies the yearly productivity using direct data and ad hoc indexes. Then, ...