Engaging Researchers with Data Management : The Cookbook
Registro en:
Clare, Connie
Cruz, María
Papadopoulou, Elli
Savage, James
Teperek, Marta
Wang, Yan
Witkowska, Iza
Yeomans, Joanne
Research data management is no longer a new or unknown concept
for today’s researchers, but nonetheless it can be intimidating. Many
universities, institutes, organisations, and funding agencies have
guidelines, mandates, and even policies around data management.
But that does not make the task any less daunting; indeed it often adds
a complicated layer of work and
effort to data-producing research
activities. Domain- and discipline-
specific data comes in all sizes and
forms, so specialised information is
required to facilitate correct research
data management. In addition, in
recent years the very important and
highly popular ‘FAIR’ principles1
have been brought into the picture.