Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 527
(Univ Federal Mato Grosso Sul, 2021-01-01)
This article is the extension of a Master's Dissertation that addresses reflections on the continuing education needs of teachers working in public schools in the countryside. When researching this topic, the following ...
A formação continuada e o desenvolvimento da identidade profissional do professor de Ronda Alta/RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2016-08-26)
This survey of teachers of municipal schools in the Municipality of Ronda Alta/RS, with the
theme: Continuing Teacher Training, developed from a theoretical framework and the
application of a questionnaire among school ...
O silenciamento sobre o trabalho com alunos precoces com comportamento de superdotação em momentos de HEC e ATPC
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016-02-29)
Nos últimos anos muito se tem discutido acerca das questões que envolvem a formação de professores, principalmente a partir da perspectiva da educação inclusiva, que busca garantir a todos os alunos o seu desenvolvimento ...
Interprofessional health education teacher training at the University of Chile
(Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination, 2021)
The first interprofessional course that included students in the 8 undergraduate health programs at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile was implemented in 2015. For the 700 students, 35 teachers were trained ...
Construção de uma proposta de formação continuada para professores de classe hospitalar
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEs, 2013-10-18)
This qualitative study of phenomenological basis, involves continuing education for teachers of Class Hospital. Aims to build, implement and evaluate, with the teacher 's Hospital Class, a proposal for continuing education ...
Una apuesta a las utopías escolares desde las primeras infancias: formación para docentes de Educación Inicial de los Jardines Maternales Municipales de la Ciudad de Córdoba
El trabajo analiza la formación docente continua disponible para profesoras de educación inicial que trabajan en jardines maternales dependientes de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Córdoba. Indaga a través de diferentes ...
Research on Quality Indicators to Guide Teacher Training to Promote an Inclusive Educational Model
(Universidad Nacional. CIDE, 2021)