Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
On close to scalar families for fractional evolution equations: zero–one law
For {Rα,β(t)}t≥0 being a strongly continuous (α, β) -resolvent family on a Banach space, we show that the assumption supt>0‖1tβ-1Eα,β(λtα)Rα,β(t)-I‖=:θ<1 yields that Rα , β(t) = tβ - 1Eα , β(λtα) for all t> 0 and λ≥ 0 , ...
Maximal operators for the P-laplacian family
(Pacific Journal Mathematics, 2017-04)
We prove existence and uniqueness of viscosity solutions for the problem: max-Δp1u(x), -Δp2u(x) = f(x) in a bounded smooth domain Ω⊂ℝN with u=g on ∂Ω. Here -Δpu=(N+ p)-1|Du|2-pdiv (|Du|p-2Du) is the 1-homogeneous p-Laplacian ...
A New Mathematical Model for the Restoration Problem in Balanced Radial Distribution Systems
This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical model to solve the restoration problem in balanced radial distribution systems. The restoration problem, originally modeled as mixed integer nonlinear programming, is ...
Introducción a la teoría estadística del riesgo
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaSede BogotáBogotá, Colombia, 2022-02)
En la actualidad, el tratamiento tanto estadístico como matemático del riesgo
forma parte de los conocimientos elementales necesarios para actuarios y
financieros. Adicionalmente, estos conocimientos son elementos ...
Nominal Equational Problems Modulo Associativity, Commutativity and Associativity-Commutativity
(Universidade de BrasíliaBrasilCiência da ComputaçãoPrograma de Pós-Graduação em InformáticaUnB, 2019)
Evaluación de la diversidad taxonómica y funcional de la comunidad microbiana relacionada con el ciclo del nitrógeno en suelos de cultivo de arroz con diferentes manejos del tamo
(Instituto de BiotecnologíaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2019-11-06)
The return of plant residues to the soil is one of the alternative agricultural practices for the efficient management of post-harvest waste, however, is poor known the impact it has on edaphic microorganisms, responsible ...
Estudio de Secuencias Genéticas Asociadas a Lipasas Extracelulares de Candida Palmioleophila Para su Expresión en Kluyveromyces Lactis
(Universidad de SantanderBucaramangaFacultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y AgropecuariasBucaramanga, ColombiaMaestría en Biotecnología, 2022-12-01)
La levadura C. palmioleophila tiene capacidad para degradar grasas y aceites en el
tratamiento de efluentes residuales de la refinación del aceite de palma (Agualimpia et al.,
2016; Rodríguez et al., 2016). Recientemente ...
Uma voz a serviço do Rio Grande: fragmentos identitários do gaúcho na programação da Rádio Guaiba AM de Porto Alegre
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulPorto Alegre, 2008)
The thesis A voice in the service of the Rio Grande: fragments of the gaucho identity in the programming of Radio AM Guaíba of Porto Alegre proposes to respond to three main issues: the Guaíba AM radio is still "a voice ...
Uma voz a serviço do Rio Grande: fragmentos identitários do gaúcho na programação da Rádio Guaiba AM de Porto Alegre
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulPorto Alegre, 2008)
The thesis A voice in the service of the Rio Grande: fragments of the gaucho identity in the programming of Radio AM Guaíba of Porto Alegre proposes to respond to three main issues: the Guaíba AM radio is still "a voice ...