Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 186
Why do foreign oil companies continue to operate in exploration and production actitives in Bolivia´s hydrocarbon industry after its 2006 nationalization?
(Universidad de Chile, 2014-11-13)
This report explores the question: Why do foreign oil companies continue operate in exploration and production activities in Bolivia’s hydrocarbon industry after its 2006 nationalization?
The history of Bolivia’s hydrocarbon ...
Short-horizon return predictability and oil prices
(CRC Press, 2015)
We nd that, at horizons of one to three quarters, the oil price shocks exhibit predictive performance which is both statistically and economically signicant. Obtaining signicant results in a sample period aer the oil crisis ...
Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities of essential oils and their components including modes of action
(CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Nowadays, there is a wealth of information available related to the biological activities of essential oils and their components. The increase in the consumption of antibiotics in the past few years has been accompanied ...
¿Cómo recobrar el patrimonio petrolero de todos los ecuatorianos? (Otros Temas)
(Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Corporación Editora Nacional, 2005)
Partiendo de lo que ha sido el manejo de los recursos petroleros en el Ecuador durante los últimos 30 años, el autor presenta una serie de elementos críticos acerca de la política petrolera nacional y señala algunos de los ...
Checks and balances in weakly institutionalized countries
We extend a model by Acemoglu et al (2013) developed to explain this phenomenon, and include a measure of natural resource wealth in the government budget constraint. The model predicts that countries with higher natural ...
Habilidad financiera de los fondos mutuos accionarios nacionales en Chile
This paper studies the performance of fund managers in equity mutual funds in Chile throughout the period 2002-2014 with monthly data. Financial skill in terms of stock picking and style timing are measured simultaneously, ...